Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday in Nairobi

Good Morning Prayer Warriors,

Today we were back in Kibera. We mainly saw AIDS and HIV + patients. The patients that attend the support group here are very educated about AIDS by Mary, one of the church members, who leads the support group. They all know their CD4 counts and what will make them better. If their CD4 count is below 200 that will give them a diagnosis of AIDS. Then they will be placed on ARV drugs with the hope that they will raise their CD4 count above 200. If not, their immune system will not be able to fight off disease and they will be very sick.

Ariel and Katie taught a class on Sexually Transmitted Diseases to a group of women and it was very interactive. The patients asked lots of questions and they all enjoyed it. Diane and Hazen had a backyard Bible Club for the students in the school on their break and after school. Over 100 children were present and had a great time.

The pharmacy is probably one of the busiest places here at the clinic. Lauren was the "pharmacist" yesterday and most of the patients were prescribed at least three drugs.

The clinic is very busy and it can be exhausting at times. Karen, Mandy, Anna and Hugh saw a record number of patients yesterday. Today we will not be seeing as many patients. There are many coming to know the Lord through our presence here. That is the most exciting thing. It is not all about practicing medicine because we know that the Lord is the healer.

When we closed the clinic and school was out, Ed held a group counseling session for all the workers and teachers. He talked to them and discussed abused, raped, defiled amd escaped children and how to listen, talk to and counsel them.

Most of the women here have been raped or assaulted as children first and then later as adolescents and young women. Some of the families will even prostitute their children out for money. Many of the women contracted HIV from their husbands who have either died or have abandoned their

Hugh saw the men patients in a private area and that was a blessing. The hope is that this will bring more men into the church. The church has a lot more women and children than men. We pray that we can be the light of Jesus to these men and all and they will know that they are loved unconditionally in spite of their HIV status.

We are running out of medicines in some categories and are going to the local
hospital pharmacy to see about buying more on the way to clinic in the morning.
We do not have unlimited Pray that they will have the meds we need..

Please continue to pray for us, especially in the area of spiritual warfare.
Many of our patients today had amulets or bracelets they have purchased by the
witch doctors. We cut most of them off and discarded them. The witch doctors
will not be happy.

We Love you and miss you dear friends and family!

We feel your prayers. Please don't stop praying!,

In Christ,

Karen (McClure) and the Kenya Team

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